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Logo design work process

To learn more about how we can help you make a difference, get in touch.


Client Brief and Research

Concept Development
Design Execution
Refinement and Feedback


Refinement and Feedback

File Preparation
Delivery and Follow-up

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Idea & Funding

Brainstorming: Start sketching rough ideas based on the research. These can be quick, unrefined sketches to explore different directions.
Mind Mapping: Create mind maps or lists of words and ideas that are associated with the brand.
Initial Concepts: Experiment with different shapes, symbols, and compositions. Focus on variety, even if the ideas seem unconventional.

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Working Process

Digital Drafts: Translate the best sketches into digital formats using design tools like Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, or other vector-based software.
Typography Selection: Choose typefaces that complement the logo's style and align with the brand’s personality.
Color Palette: Select a color scheme that resonates with the brand and works well in different contexts (print, digital, etc.).
Shape and Symmetry: Ensure that the logo works in various sizes, from a website favicon to large banners.

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Final Product

Perfecting Details: Ensure the logo is clear, balanced, and versatile. Work on fine-tuning proportions, alignment, and spacing.
Mockups: Place the logo on various mockups (business cards, websites, merchandise) to show how it will appear in real-life situations.
Client Approval: After ensuring all design elements are polished, get the final sign-off from the client.

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Result & Goal

Delivery of Files: Provide the final logo and assets, ensuring the client has everything they need for future use.
Follow-Up: Check in with the client to ensure they’re satisfied with the logo’s implementation across various platforms and provide additional tweaks if needed.


Tools Typically Used

Design Software: Adobe Illustrator, photoshop, Indesign
just simple email for initial presentations
Mockup Tools: Placeit, Photoshop, or any custom templates

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We also have open offices, so feel free to drop in for a chat

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